ICECREAM 1: i-scream,u-scream,weall-scream for ICECREAM

I am a foodie. I make #ARTISANAL ICECREAM - i.e. the old fashioned way .

I have done this for 20 years-supplying restaurants / coffee shops / wowing people.

Now ARTISANAL ICECREAM is 'trending'.

I have a history with icecream, an obsession maybe.

As a child in, the by-gone, era of the Fifties, the icecream cart was a daily occurrence.

The cart was a very big tricycle, much bigger than the blue one I rode. It had a chain, like

mine, not direct drive with pedals on the front wheel, like other kids' trikes. The trike was 

fitted , in front, with a large steel  box that held the icecream.  The contents were kept 

frozen by a wondrous substance, great blocks of dry ice which gave off trails of cold 

vapour. If you touched it, we were warned, your little fingers would stick to it!

A man powered the cart. He was a Black man. As he rode, he rang a bell.  

He could be heard streets away. We got our tickeys - small silver change - ready.

The children came out onto the street, crowded around the cart. The man lifted a small,

square lid by its parenthetical steel handle. We peered into the gloom. There they lay:

waxed cardboard Cups ( vanilla?), Eskimo Pies (oblongs of vanilla coated in chocolate), 

Wafers (oblongs sandwiched between two slightly soggy wafers), phallic Ice 

Lollies (very bright, very sweet, very faux), Milky Chocolate Lollies. I liked  Cups + Wafers.

Sometimes my favourite could be found - they were called the Twister I think? They were 

about a foot long (these were the days before the rationality of metrication) tubes of 

waxed board.They had an attached cap at one end. One lifted it & slowly unwound a 

spiral that enticingly revealed dark, very frozen chocolate icecream.  I would bite 

through it. It was made with Dutch Cocoa & had a slight grit. Now I make Chocolate 

Icecream that recalls those sensations - made with Belgian chocolate + Dutch Cocoa 

the second best seller. 

Should I call it TRUE GRIT?

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